academic wankery at it's finest
whoa. this guy is too much. is it just cinematique, or does anyone else out there suspect this whole excercise in academic obfuscation is total baloney? just wondering:
from uc davis website:
Ph.D., UCLA, 2008
from uc davis website:
Nathan Brown
- Assistant Professor
- Department of English
- Program in Critical Theory
264 Voorhies
Davis, CA
Davis, CA
Phone: (510) 520-2882
M.A., Queen's University, 2002
B.A., Queen's University, 2001
Nathan Brown's research and teaching focus on 20th and 21st century poetry and poetics, continental philosophy, and science/technology studies. He is currently at work on two book projects: The Limits of Fabrication: Materials Science and Materialist Poetics examines concepts of form and practices of fabrication in nanoscale materials science and contemporary materialist poetics, updating the context in which poetry might be considered a form of building. Absent Blue Wax (Rationalist Empiricism) considers the resurgence of rationalism in contemporary French philosophy in relation to various "radical empiricisms." The project includes specific engagements with the work of Descartes and Hume, Quentin Meillassoux, Alain Badiou, Louis Althusser, Gilles Deleuze, C.S. Peirce, and Alfred North Whitehead. Professor Brown also teaches courses in Science & Technology Studies and the Designated Emphasis Program in Critical Theory. He is the coordinator of Conjuncture - A Series of Symposia on 21st Century Philosophy, Politics, and Aesthetics.B.A., Queen's University, 2001
Articles and Book Chapters
- "The Technics of Prehension: On the Photography of Nicolas Baier," forthcoming in The New Whitehead, ed. Nicholas Gaskill and Adam Nocek (University of Minnesota Press).
- "Red Years: Althusser's Lesson, Rancière's Error, and the Real Movement of History." Radical Philosophy 170 (Nov/Dec 2011). (download)
- "The Speculative and the Specific: On Hallward and Meillassoux" in The Speculative Turn, Ed. Levi Bryant, Graham Harman, and Nick Srnicek (re:press, 2010): 142-163. (download)
- "Absent Blue Wax (Rationalist Empiricism)." Qui Parle 19.1 (Fall/Winter 2010). (download)
- "Objects that Matter: Olson, Bergvall, and the Poetics of Articulation." HOW2 3.3 (Winter 2010). (download)
- "Immortality by Design." parallax 14.3 (August 2008), 4-20. (download)
- "21st Century Materialism" in Pre-Specifics. Ed. Vera Bühlmann and Martin Wiedmer (JRP Ringier, 2008): 184-193.
- "The Inorganic Open: Nanotechnology and Physical Being." Radical Philosophy. 144 (July/August 2007): 33-44. (download)
- "Needle on the Real: Technoscience and Poetry at the Limits of Fabrication" in Nanoculture: Implications of the New Technoscience. Ed. N. Katherine Hayles (Intellect Books, 2004): 173-190.
Reviews, Interviews, Responses
- "Next to Now," Review of Colin Milburn, Nanovision: Engineering the Future in Radical Philosophy 155 (May/June 2009): 57-59.
- "To Live Without an Idea," Review of Martin Hägglund, Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life in Radical Philosophy 154 (March/April 2009): 51-53.
- "Critical Pivot: The Substance of Thought," Conference Report. Radical Philosophy 150 (Jul/Aug, 2008): 71-72.
- "The Function of Digital Poetry at the Present Time." Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary (February 2008).
- "The Politics of Error: An Interview with Shanxing Wang." Jacket 34 (October 2007)
Recent and Upcoming Graduate Courses
- Winter 2012: CRI 200C, The Real Movement of History: Left Communism and the Communization Current
- Spring 2011: CRI 298, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
- Winter 2011: ENL 262, Objects in Field: The Poetry and Poetics of Charles Olson
- Winter 2010: CRI 200A, Approaches to Critical Theory
- Spring 2009: CRI 298, Being and Event: The Philosophy of Alain Badiou
- Winter 2009: ENL 270, 21st Century Poetry & Poetics
Recent Undergraduate Courses
- Winter 2011: ENL 147 (American Literature 1945-Present): Strangers, Exiles, Costumes
- Fall 2010: ENL 188A (Topics in Literary and Critical Theory): Object, System, Network
- Spring 2010: ENL 168 (20th C American Poetry): Image & Object, 1912-1951
Bird's Eye Foods Ltd, baby 1965
Bird's Eye Foods Ltd, Walton-on-Thames.
Six subsidiaries of Unilever Ltd have moved out of London in the space of two years. One of them Bird's Eye Foods Ltd., went to Walton-on-Thames and another, Mac Fisheries Ltd., went to Bracknell. Unilever's verdict: 'The result has been improved efficiency and, as far as one can judge at this early stage, every one of our moves has been a success.'.
another viewpoint
@KOOLIO - blaming everyone but themselves for this type of violence and behavior. Being a thug is glorified in our music, in the videos, and in the community. I'm sorry at 4am not even a 18 year old high school student should be out. Not even on the weekend. No parental responsibility. Never completing high school, getting arrested and not ever amounting to anything. Then the parents really make me sick talking about she was a good girl (not the young lady who died) or he was a good boy. Then somehow blame others for their shortcomings. And always blaming the white man. The same white man who gives them welfare, the same white man who provides them with housing, education, the same white man that provides everything that they have. Yet, some how to ignorant to use the benefits to their advantage. Its sad and it will never change. I remember when being on welfare was shameful and now its like the best thing ever. The young lady had potential and her dumb brother & parent(s) took
another brother tells it as he see it
@KOOLIO - So you are telling me that the people weren't on welfare before, but somehow unfortunate issues arose and they suddenly found themselves in this situation. What WTH happened to thier common sense? I guess going on welfare just changed them into thoughtless who gives a damn people? So yes. They are a part of my 90% theory. So just being ignorant just happened? No DIGNITY!! No purpose in life. I guess we should blame the White man? They let their dogs **** on the sidewalk, throw food from the windows, trash on the ground, young black/hispanic men hanging out with their pants around their behinds and elementary and high school students hanging out all night and all morning. This young lady died senseless and will have a ghetto memorial with candles & liquor on the sidewalk with flowers & teddy bears, etc. This is what makes me mad at Rev. Al Sharpton. He is a community leader and he should stand out against this behavior and speak up. I left the hood and never looked back!!!!
another reader writes in to protest ghetto violence who does not live in ghetto. why are the people who live in the urban ghettos not more against the kind of mindless violence that permeates the entire place seemingly every minute of every single day?
Luis Leon : Top Commenter
So sad, R.I.P. The poor mother, how can these demons kill other people's children? Another person cut down in the hood by one of their own. It's a friggin' unspoken genocide that is occurring on a daily basis in the hood. When will it end? Hopefully someone with a conscience will give up the killer, but the damage has been done. The levels of violent ignorance in the hood are incredible. Where are the leaders speaking out against the demon killers? Oh, that rights they are at the local Church "gun buy back". Severely punish these demons... that's all that need be done.
controversey over Harlem shooting: young student athlete girl shot down at 4:15am ghetto dipute, reader feels everyone okay with it
Greg Brady · Top Commenter (signed in using Hotmail)
Sssshhhh. Be quiet. What's that sound? Oh yeah, it's crickets when it should be the sound of the people who live in these violent projects demanding something be done. But I suppose that it is safe to speculate that these people love this lifestyle. Their youth are raised to revel in it. Unless a cop shoots one of these ghetto career criminals you will only hear the sound of crickets. When the federal government started giving these leeches free cell phones, they formed lines longer than you could see. Every single one of them jumped at this opportunity. But they do nothing when their children are dropping like flies. No sympathy here until priorities are in order. And for the love of God, where on earth is that water buffalo Al Sharpton?
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